Do You Know Why the Lord Appears and Works in China Upon His Return?
The prophecies of the Lord’s return have now largely been fulfilled, and so the Lord is likely to have returned already. In all the world, only The Church of Almighty God has always testified that the Lord Jesus has returned and that He has become flesh once again to appear and work in China, thereby fulfilling the Lord Jesus’ prophecy: “For as the lightning comes out of the east, and shines even to the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be” (Matthew 24:27). Many people find this news hard to believe. They believe that, because God’s last two stages of work were done in Israel and God has never before worked outside the confines of Israel, the Lord will surely return to Israel. They find it inconceivable that the Lord Jesus would appear and work in China. Furthermore, they believe that since China is an atheistic dictatorship and the country which resists God and persecutes Christians the most, they wonder how God could possibly incarnate to appear and work in China. But is this view we hold actually correct? God is the God of all mankind, so could He really only appear and work in Israel? What is the meaning behind God’s appearance and work in China in the last days? We will now explore this issue through fellowship.
God Is the Lord of Creation and His Wisdom Is Unfathomable to Man
Because Jehovah and the Lord Jesus appeared and worked in Israel, we are certain that when the Lord returns, He can only appear and work in Israel, and that it would be impossible for Him to appear and work in such a God-resisting nation as China. But could it be that, because God previously did the work of the Age of Law in Israel, and then became flesh in Judea to perform the work of redemption, He absolutely must do His work in Israel in the last days? Think about it: Is there any basis in God’s words for us to go by our notions and imaginings and delimit the location of God’s work to Israel? And if this view is at odds with God’s will, and the Lord does not appear in Israel when He returns, then will we not be highly likely to lose our chance to welcome the Lord? The Bible says, “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, said Jehovah. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts” (Isaiah 55:8–9). God’s words say, “[T]he wisdom of God soars higher than the heavens, God’s thoughts are higher than man’s thoughts, and the work of God transcends the limits of man’s thinking and notions. The more that something is impossible, the more it has truth that can be sought; the more something lies beyond man’s notions and imagination, the more it contains the will of God.” The wisdom of God is eternally higher than the wisdom of man, and man will never be able to fathom the words and work of God. No matter where God appears and works, it always has meaning, and there is always a mystery to it. If we do not seek God’s will and we delimit God’s appearance and work by relying on our own notions and imaginings, then we will be very prone to resist God. When the Lord Jesus came to do His work, for example, the Pharisees relied on their notions and imaginings believing that when the Messiah came, He would be called “Messiah,” that He would be born in a palace, and that He would come to power and lead them to rid themselves of Roman rule. When God came, however, He was not called “Messiah,” nor was He born in a palace. Instead, He was born in a manger and was incredibly ordinary and normal. And so, because the Lord Jesus’ words and work did not accord with their own notions and imaginings, the Pharisees did not acknowledge Him as the Messiah, and they wildly condemned and resisted Him, and even went so far as to crucify Him. They thereby committed a heinous sin and offended the disposition of God, and so were ultimately cursed and punished by God. We can see from this that God has the final say on how exactly He appears and does His work, and He does not do His work according to the imaginings of man. Therefore, we must not go by our own notions and imaginings to delimit God, saying that He cannot possibly do His work in China. Whether the location of God’s work in the last days accords with our notions or not, the only wise thing to do is to choose to seek and submit. The Lord Jesus said, “[S]eek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you” (Matthew 7:7). As long as we seek with a humble heart, then God will surely guide and enlighten us so that we may understand and know His work.
So why does the Lord appear and work in China when He returns, and not in Israel? God’s wisdom is in fact behind His choice of place to do His work, and there is always truth to seek in His choice. We will now share fellowship on the two aspects of meaning behind God choosing to appear and work in China in the last days.
The Purpose and Meaning of God Appearing and Working in China (1)
With regards to the first aspect of meaning behind God’s appearance and work in China, let’s first read a passage of God’s words. God’s words say, “The work of Jehovah was the creation of the world, it was the beginning; this stage of work is the end of work, and it is the conclusion. At the start, God’s work was carried out among the chosen ones of Israel, and it was the dawn of a new epoch in the most holy of all places. The last stage of work is carried out in the most impure of all countries, to judge the world and bring the age to an end. In the first stage, God’s work was done in the brightest of all places, and the last stage is carried out in the darkest of all places, and this darkness will be driven out, the light brought forth, and all the people conquered. When the people of this most impure and darkest of all places have been conquered, and the entire population has acknowledged that there is a God, who is the true God, and every person has been utterly convinced, then this fact will be used to carry out the work of conquest throughout the entire universe. This stage of work is symbolic: Once the work of this age has been finished, the work of six thousand years of management will come to a complete end. Once those in the darkest of all places have been conquered, it goes without saying that it will also be so everywhere else. As such, only the work of conquest in China carries meaningful symbolism. China embodies all forces of darkness, and the people of China represent all those who are of the flesh, of Satan, and of flesh and blood. It is the Chinese people who have been most corrupted by the great red dragon, who have the strongest opposition to God, whose humanity is most base and impure, and so they are the archetype of all corrupt humanity. This is not to say that other countries have no problems at all; the notions of man are all the same, and although the people of these countries may be of good caliber, if they do not know God, then it must be that they oppose Him. … It is in the people of China that corruption, impurity, unrighteousness, opposition, and rebelliousness are manifested most completely and revealed in all their varied forms. On the one hand, they are of poor caliber, and on the other, their lives and mindset are backward, and their habits, social environment, family of birth — all are poor and the most backward. Their status, too, is low. The work in this place is symbolic, and after this test work has been carried out in its entirety, God’s subsequent work will go much better. If this step of work can be completed, then the subsequent work goes without saying. Once this step of work has been accomplished, great success will have been fully achieved, and the work of conquest throughout the entire universe will have come to a complete end. In fact, once the work among you has been successful, this will be equivalent to the success throughout the entire universe. This is the significance of why I have you act as a model and a specimen.”
We can understand from God’s words that the location God chooses for His work in each age is always based on the needs of the work itself — the location He chooses has representative significance and is always the most appropriate choice. For example, the reason why God worked in Israel during the Ages of Law and Grace was because these two past stages of work were to guide man in his life on earth and then to redeem mankind. In the Age of Law, God used Moses to proclaim His laws and decrees so that man might know what sin was, how to worship God, and so on. In the Age of Grace, the incarnate Lord Jesus was crucified for man’s sake, and He redeemed man from sin so that people could escape from being condemned and cursed by the laws and become fit to come before God to confess and repent. These two stages of work were done only so that man could know their sins and confess them, and they did not touch upon changing man’s satanic corrupt disposition. The Israelites were God’s first chosen ones; they were the least corrupted of all mankind and the earliest people to worship God. They readily accepted and submitted to the work God did on them, before then spreading it to the Gentiles so that even more people could receive God’s salvation. This was beneficial to extending the gospel work, and so it was most appropriate and meaningful for God to choose to perform these past two stages of work in Israel.
Returning in the last days, the Lord will do the work of conquering and perfecting man. This means He expresses His words to judge and expose all of mankind’s various satanic corrupt dispositions and our God-resisting nature, and He saves us from the bonds of sin once and for all. He does this so that we might be cleansed and become people who obey and worship God, and in the end He will utterly defeat Satan and save all of mankind. That is why if God did this work in such a country as Israel, where people believe in and worship God, then He would not be able to achieve the desired effect. Only by doing His work in the most corrupted and most God-resisting place, and by conquering the people of that place — which is the equivalent of conquering all of mankind — can Satan be utterly shamed and defeated. This is the most convincing way for God to do His work. In all the world, China is the darkest, the most backward nation that utterly refuses to acknowledge the existence of God. China has always promoted atheism, and has used formal education and the influence of the great and famous to indoctrinate its people with such satanic fallacies as “Man can fight against heaven and earth,” “There is no Savior in the world,” “Humans evolved from apes,” “I am my own lord throughout heaven and earth,” “Let those who comply with me thrive and those who resist me perish,” and “Legitimacy belongs to the winner; the losers are always in the wrong.” It does this so that people do not believe in God’s existence from an early age and do not know that they must believe in and worship God. On the contrary, people believe they can carve a good future with their own two hands, and they regard fame, fortune, status, and money as goals to be fought for and pursued all their lives. People will stop at nothing for the sake of their own interests, they vie with each other and try to outwit one another with deceptions, and even go so far as to make enemies of each other and retaliate against any slight, and so on. The Chinese people have become incredibly arrogant, selfish, malicious, deceitful, and wicked, and they are the most rebellious and have the worst God-resisting disposition of all mankind. Furthermore, since it came to power, the CCP has labeled Christianity and Catholicism as “xie jiao,” and has always frantically arrested and persecuted Christians. So many Christians have had their families torn apart and been persecuted to death, and the CCP tries in vain to prohibit God’s work in China and to establish China as an atheist zone. It is clear that China is the place where the people are the most deeply corrupted by Satan, and the darkest and most wicked who most severely resist God. That is why it is most meaningful for God to become flesh in China to do His work of judging, chastising, conquering and perfecting man. In His work in the last days, God expresses His words and does the work of judgment, and He uses His wisdom and power in Satan’s lair to conquer and make a group of overcomers who are of one mind with God. He turns these people who are the most rebellious and who resist God the most into people who can obey and worship Him, thereby gaining glory from those who have been corrupted most deeply. This is something which causes Satan the utmost shame, and it is proof of God’s total victory over Satan. By conquering the people of China who have been corrupted most deeply, and turning them into models and exemplars of those who gain God’s salvation, the peoples of God-worshiping nations can then be more easily conquered, and so the completion of this work is equivalent to the full completion of God’s work to save all mankind. If God chose to work in Israel in the last days, would Satan be convinced? Would this result be achieved? It is therefore most appropriate for God to do His work in China in the last days, and in doing so, God’s wisdom and almightiness are entirely revealed.
The Purpose and Meaning of God Appearing and Working in China (2)
Besides this aspect, there is also another aspect of meaning to God working in China in the last days. Let’s read a couple passages of God’s words, and then we’ll understand. God says, “If the Savior arrived during the last days and were still called Jesus, and were once again born in Judea and did His work there, then this would prove that I only created the people of Israel and only redeemed the people of Israel, and that I have nothing to do with the Gentiles. Would this not contradict My words that ‘I am the Lord who created the heavens and earth and all things’? I left Judea and do My work among the Gentiles because I am not merely the God of the people of Israel, but the God of all creatures. I appear among the Gentiles during the last days because I am not only Jehovah, the God of the people of Israel, but, moreover, because I am the Creator of all My chosen ones among the Gentiles. I not only created Israel, Egypt, and Lebanon, but all the Gentile nations beyond Israel. Because of this, I am the Lord of all creatures. I merely used Israel as the starting point for My work, employed Judea and Galilee as the strongholds of My work of redemption, and now I use the Gentile nations as the base from which I will bring the entire age to an end.”
“It is so that, in this final era, My name may be magnified among the Gentile nations, so that My deeds may be seen by the Gentiles and they will call Me the Almighty on account of My deeds, and so that My words may soon come to pass. I will make all people know that I am not only the God of the Israelites, but also the God of all the nations of the Gentiles, even those that I have cursed. I will let all people see that I am the God of all creation. This is My greatest work, the purpose of My work plan for the last days, and the only work to be fulfilled in the last days.”
We can see from God’s words that God works in China in the last days so that we do not delimit Him, and to also expel our notions and imaginings. Because God’s last two stages of work were done in Israel, we delimit God to being the God of the Israelites and to only being able to do His work in Israel. If God became flesh in the last days to work again in Israel or Judea, then that would cause people to delimit God even more to only being able to work in Israel and to being the God of the Israelites, having nothing whatsoever to do with Gentiles. By doing this, we would be limiting God to the confines of Israel; God would have no place to stand amongst the Gentiles, and no one would acknowledge that God is the God of all mankind, that He is the one, true God. God knows the notions of man and so chooses to do His work in the last days in China — the Gentile nation of the great red dragon — and launch there a new work. By doing so, He counters the notions of man and makes us see that He is not only the God of the Israelites, but that He is also the God of all Gentile peoples and the God of all created beings. He makes us see that He is not the personal property of any one nation or people, and that He has the right to do the work He wants to do amongst any group. Wherever God works, however, His identity and essence never change — He is always the Lord of creation who should be worshiped by the people of any nation. We can see from this that there is such great meaning behind God choosing to work in China, and that God is so wise and almighty!
In fact, whether God works in Israel or returns in the last days to incarnate and appear in China, He does so only to save all mankind. It has been nearly 30 years since Almighty God appeared and began His work in China, and He has already made a group of overcomers there. The words expressed by Almighty God and the victorious testimonies of God’s chosen in China are now online for all mankind to seek and investigate. The kingdom gospel is currently spreading far and wide to all nations across the world, and more and more people are hearing Almighty God’s words and recognizing them to be the voice of God, returning to God’s house one after another. This exactly fulfills these words from the Lord Jesus: “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me” (John 10:27). If we wish to be the wise virgins who welcome the Lord, then we must let go of our notions and seek with an open heart, focus on hearing God’s voice, and realistically look into whether or not Almighty God’s words are the voice of God and the truth. This is the most correct path to investigate the true way. If, before we have even looked into it, we go by our notions and imaginings to decide that the Lord could not possibly appear and work in China when He returns, then we will very likely lose our chance to welcome the Lord as well as lose God’s salvation in the last days. As the word of God says: “Let go of your opinions about the ‘impossible’! The more that people believe something is impossible, the more likely it is to occur, because the wisdom of God soars higher than the heavens, God’s thoughts are higher than man’s thoughts, and the work of God transcends the limits of man’s thinking and notions. The more that something is impossible, the more it has truth that can be sought; the more something lies beyond man’s notions and imagination, the more it contains the will of God. This is because, no matter where He reveals Himself, God is still God, and His substance will never change on account of the location or manner of His appearance. The disposition of God remains the same regardless of where His footprints are, and no matter where the footprints of God are, He is the God of all mankind, just as the Lord Jesus is not only the God of the Israelites, but is also the God of all the people of Asia, Europe, and America, and even more than that, He is the one and only God in the entire universe. So let us seek God’s will and discover His appearance in His utterances, and keep pace with His footsteps! God is the truth, the way, and the life. His words and His appearance exist concurrently, and His disposition and footprints are open to mankind at all times.”
Source from: Find the shepherd
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