Question: After the fellowship, I know that our understanding of rapture by the Lord is from man’s imagination. It’s seriously against the word of the Lord. So what should we do now to be raptured at His return? Would you commune with us in detail?
Answer: The saints expect to be raptured according to the Lord’s words, “I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you to myself; that where I am, there you may be also” (John 14:2–3). Man uses their imaginations and notions to understand the Lord’s words. They think since the Lord Jesus ascended upon a white cloud, the place He prepares for them must surely be up there as well. So they wait for the Lord Jesus to return and bring them up to heaven. Besides, man tends to value Paul’s words, “Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord” (1 Thessalonians 4:17). For this reason, the desire of being raptured to heaven takes root in man’s heart. Ideas of rapture vary even between different people. Most believe the Lord’s return will bring the saints into the air to meet Him. So over many years, they harbor such longing and wait to be raptured. But what exactly does it mean to be raptured? Many are unclear. The mystery isn’t revealed until Almighty God comes and opens it to us. Almighty God says, “People imagine that ‘rapture’ means rising from below unto up high. That is utterly wrong. Rapture means selection after having been predestined by Me, and refers to all those who were predestined and are chosen, … and nothing is more at odds with the conceptions of man. All who have a share in My future household will have been taken before Me: This is the absolute truth, it is immutable, it can be refuted by no man, and it strikes back against Satan. All who were predestined by Me will be taken before Me.” Almighty God’s words have made it very clear. Rapture does not mean that we will be raptured into the air as we’ve imagined, or to go meet the Lord in the clouds, or even that we’ll go to heaven. What it actually means is that when God returns to earth to speak and work, man hears His voice and follows Him and submits to His work in the last days. This is the true meaning of being raptured before God’s throne. Only those who can recognize the Lord’s voice, know the truth in the words of Almighty God, accept the truth and return to Him are wise virgins. They are the “treasures” the Lord has “stolen” back to His home. They are of good caliber, able to understand and accept the truth, capable of recognizing God’s voice, and are truly the raptured ones. They are the very group of overcomers God wants to perfect when He secretly descends and works in the last days. Since Almighty God carries out His work in the last days, more and more people who long for God’s appearance have recognized God’s voice in the word of Almighty God, and accepted His work of judgment of the last days. They are raptured before God’s throne, face to face with God, watered and fed by His word, so they gain some true knowledge about God, their corruptions are then cleansed; so they live out the reality of God’s word and gain the great salvation of God. They have been made overcomers before the disasters, become the first fruits gained by God. But those who cling to their own imagination, they just wait to be raptured up into heaven and refuse God’s judgment work in the last days. Those are foolish virgins forsaken by God. These people will fall victim to disaster and will mourn. This is truth.
Source From: Find the Shepherd
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