Question 5: You testified that God has returned and does His work of judgment beginning at the house of God. This completely conforms with the Bible’s prophecy. But I don’t understand: Is this the same as the great white throne judgment in the Book of Revelation? What we think is that when the Lord comes, the believers will be taken up into heaven, and then He will send disaster to destroy the non-believers. That’s the judgment before the great white throne. You testify to the start of God’s judgment in the last days, but we haven’t seen God bring disaster to destroy the non-believers. Then how could it be the great white throne judgment? What is God’s judgment in the last days exactly?
Answer: All those who truly understand the Bible know that the great white throne judgment prophesied in the Book of Revelation is a vision of God’s judgment work in the last days. The incarnate Almighty God came to express the truth and do His judgment work in the last days, starting to cleanse and save corrupt mankind. This means the great white throne judgment has already begun. Judgment must start from the house of God. God will first make a group of overcomers before the disaster. Then, God will bring down the great disasters and start to reward good and punish evil, until this evil era has been destroyed. God’s great white throne judgment in the last days will then be thoroughly complete. Then God will openly appear to begin a new era. We can all see it very clearly right now. The omen of the great disasters — four consecutive blood moons — has already appeared. The celestial stars have also shown that the great disasters are near. Even the entire human race admits that the end of the world is coming. When the disaster comes, anyone who resists God, judges God, or opposes God, and the brood of the devil Satan will be destroyed in the disaster. Isn’t that precisely the great white throne judgment? We can see from the Bible’s prophecies that the Lord’s return is separated into the two stages of secret arrival and open arrival. At first, the Lord comes like a thief, which means God incarnate arrives secretly to express the truth and perform His judgment work in the last days. The main purpose is to perfect a group of overcomers. This fulfills the prophecy “judgment begins with the house of God”. God’s judgment work in the last days already began when God incarnate secretly arrived to express the truth and judge all of mankind. The first part of the work is to begin judgment at the house of God. With that, God cleanses and saves those who hear His voice and are brought before Him, making them into overcomers. Then God returns to Zion, and the great disasters begin. God will use disasters to punish and destroy this old world. God’s judgment work in the last days thus reaches its climax. When God appears openly on the clouds, His judgment work will be thoroughly complete. The kingdom of God will subsequently appear. This thus fulfills the prophecy of the new Jerusalem coming down from heaven. Just as Almighty God says, “In one regard, God’s work uses words to conquer all mankind and gain the chosen people; in another regard, His work uses all manner of disasters to conquer all children of disobedience. This is part of God’s large-scale work, and only in this way can the kingdom on earth desired by God be achieved without blemish. This is the pure gold of God’s work” (“The Interpretation of the Seventeenth Utterance” in The Word Appears in the Flesh). Almighty God’s words sum up God’s judgment work in the last days very accurately. People can understand it very easily. Almighty God’s judgment in the last days is the great white throne judgment prophesied in the Book of Revelation. According to Almighty God’s judgment work in the last days, we can also understand what the Revelation prophecy regarding the opening of books to judge the dead and the opening of the book of life is all about. In fact, the opening of books to judge the dead is God’s judgment of all the unbelievers and all those who deny and resist Him. This judgment is their condemnation, their punishment, their destruction. Opening the book of life refers to the judgment that begins at the house of God, that is, Almighty God, Christ of the last days, expressing the truth to judge and cleanse all those brought before His throne. These chosen people of God who accept Almighty God’s judgment and are brought before Him are all objects of God’s judgment, cleansing, and salvation. The judgment that begins at the house of God is to perfect this group of people before the disaster. Only this group of people are the wise virgins, people whose names are recorded in the book of life, the 144,000 overcomers prophesied by the Book of Revelation, the people who will ultimately enter the kingdom of heaven to inherit eternal life. This fulfills what was prophesied in Revelation: “And I looked, and, see, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father’s name written in their foreheads. And I heard a voice from heaven, as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of a great thunder: and I heard the voice of harpers harping with their harps: And they sung as it were a new song before the throne, and before the four beasts, and the elders: and no man could learn that song but the hundred and forty and four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth. These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb wherever he goes. These were redeemed from among men, being the first fruits to God and to the Lamb. And in their mouth was found no guile: for they are without fault before the throne of God” (Revelation 14:1–5).
Almighty God’s judgment work in the last days completely fulfills the vision of the great white throne judgment prophesied in the Book of Revelation. The great white throne symbolizes God’s holiness as well as His authority. Then how can we get to know God’s authority? We all know that God created the heavens and earth and all things with His word. He uses His word to guide, cleanse, and save mankind, to accomplish everything. God’s word represents His authority. What God says shall come to pass, what He orders shall stand. God is as good as His word, and His word shall be accomplished, and that which is accomplished lasts forever. Almighty God’s work in the last days is the work of word. God uses His word to control the entire universe, control all of mankind. He uses His word to guide, to supply mankind, and is now using His word to judge and cleanse mankind. Almighty God says, “I wish to bring people from all the earth to the land of Canaan, hence I continue to utter My voice in the land of Canaan to control the entire universe. At this time, there is not light in all the earth apart from Canaan, and all men are imperiled by hunger and cold” (“The Seven Thunders Peal — Prophesying That the Kingdom Gospel Shall Spread Throughout the Universe” in The Word Appears in the Flesh). “And so, during the last days, when God becomes flesh, He principally uses the word to accomplish all and make all plain” (“All Is Achieved by the Word of God” in The Word Appears in the Flesh). “All who are wicked will be chastised by the words in God’s mouth, all who are righteous will be blessed by the words in His mouth, and all will be established and made complete by the words in His mouth. Nor will He show any signs or wonders; all will be accomplished by His words, and His words will produce facts. Everyone on earth will celebrate God’s words, whether they be adults or children, male, female, old, or young, all people will submit beneath the words of God. …” (“The Millennial Kingdom Has Arrived” in The Word Appears in the Flesh). The expression of Almighty God’s word is like the lightning that shoots from the East straight to the West. It cleanses and perfects all those who return before God’s throne, and exposes the hypocritical Pharisees who hate the truth as well as all wicked people who deny and resist God. At the same time, it strikes down all the sons of disobedience. The judgment work of Almighty God on earth in the last days shows that God is already sitting and ruling upon His throne. Even though this old world of evil and darkness still exists for the time being, various great disasters that will destroy the world will soon befall. There is no force on earth that can destroy God’s kingdom, and no force that can abolish God’s work or block His work from proceeding. God wielding His authority to perform His judgment work on earth is the same as His throne in heaven: It’s something no one can shake and no one can change, which is a fact. Just as Almighty God says, “The kingdom is expanding in humanity’s midst, it is forming in humanity’s midst, it is standing up in humanity’s midst; there is no force that can destroy My kingdom” (“The Nineteenth Utterance” in The Word Appears in the Flesh). This is the authority and power displayed by God’s word. God’s word wielding power on earth is Christ ruling on earth, and is God already ruling on His throne on earth. This is sufficient to show that God’s kingdom has already descended upon earth. This is a fact nobody can deny. We can see that God’s will is already fully done on earth, as it is in heaven. The Lord Jesus said, “Your kingdom come, Your will be done in earth, as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10). Revelation also prophesied: “And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever. And the four and twenty elders, which sat before God on their seats, fell on their faces, and worshipped God, Saying, We give you thanks, O LORD God Almighty, which are, and were, and are to come; because you have taken to you your great power, and have reigned” (Revelation 11:15–17). These words have already become reality. These are all truths accomplished by the judgment work of Almighty God in the last days.
from the movie script of Song of Victory
Source from: Find the shepherd
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