我一直相信我和我丈夫的生活“以我們的面孔在土壤中,背對著太陽”,因為我們年輕時沒有足夠的學習,而且因為我們沒有知識。這就是為什麼我決定無論我多麼努力或多少受苦,我都會把我的兒女送到學校,以便他們能夠完成某些事情,而不必跟隨我們的腳步。隨著指導我們,我和我丈夫吃飯和穿著簡單,擠壓每一分錢,把我們的大女兒送到技術學校,我們的大兒子上大學。但是我們還有兩個孩子,所以為了把他們送到大學,我的丈夫不得不一次離開家去工作多年,我也不是閒著; 從黎明到黃昏,我把田里和豬都放在家裡。每當農場工作太累了,我希望我能停下來。但是考慮到今天的社會競爭如何,如果我不讓孩子上學,他們只會像我一樣在泥濘中工作,他們將永遠不會取得任何成就並被人瞧不起,只有通過大學考試,他們才能找到一份好工作或成為一名官員,取得成就,為自己謀取未來,為我們獲得榮耀,我所遭受的痛苦和疲憊似乎是值得的。因此,每當我醒來的時候,我都忙於工作,以至於我常常沒有時間吃喝上帝的話語或正常的精神生活,甚至更少的時間去教堂或者正常的生活。履行我的職責,但我沒有想到這一點,並繼續為我的孩子們努力工作......直到最近,當我從上帝的團契中聽到這些話時:如果我不讓孩子上學,他們只會像我一樣在泥濘中工作,他們怎麼會永遠不會做任何事情而被人瞧不起,只有通過大學測試他們才能找到一份好工作或成為一名官員,實現某些目標,為自己謀求未來,為我們獲得榮耀,我所遭受的痛苦和疲憊似乎是值得的。因此,每當我醒來的時候,我都忙於工作,以至於我常常沒有時間吃喝上帝的話語或正常的精神生活,甚至更少的時間去教堂或者正常的生活。履行我的職責,但我沒有想到這一點,並繼續為我的孩子們努力工作......直到最近,當我從上帝的團契中聽到這些話時:如果我不讓孩子上學,他們只會像我一樣在泥濘中工作,他們怎麼會永遠不會做任何事情而被人瞧不起,只有通過大學測試他們才能找到一份好工作或成為一名官員,實現某些目標,為自己謀求未來,為我們獲得榮耀,我所遭受的痛苦和疲憊似乎是值得的。因此,每當我醒來的時候,我都忙於工作,以至於我常常沒有時間吃喝上帝的話語或正常的精神生活,甚至更少的時間去教堂或者正常的生活。履行我的職責,但我沒有想到這一點,並繼續為我的孩子們努力工作......直到最近,當我從上帝的團契中聽到這些話時:他們如何永遠不會取得任何成就並被人瞧不起,只有通過大學考試才能找到一份好工作或成為一名官員,實現目標,為自己謀求未來,為我們獲得榮耀,痛苦和疲憊受苦似乎值得。因此,每當我醒來的時候,我都忙於工作,以至於我常常沒有時間吃喝上帝的話語或正常的精神生活,甚至更少的時間去教堂或者正常的生活。履行我的職責,但我沒有想到這一點,並繼續為我的孩子們努力工作......直到最近,當我從上帝的團契中聽到這些話時:他們如何永遠不會取得任何成就並被人瞧不起,只有通過大學考試才能找到一份好工作或成為一名官員,實現目標,為自己謀求未來,為我們獲得榮耀,痛苦和疲憊受苦似乎值得。因此,每當我醒來的時候,我都忙於工作,以至於我常常沒有時間吃喝上帝的話語或正常的精神生活,甚至更少的時間去教堂或者正常的生活。履行我的職責,但我沒有想到這一點,並繼續為我的孩子們努力工作......直到最近,當我從上帝的團契中聽到這些話時:我所遭受的痛苦和疲憊似乎值得。因此,每當我醒來的時候,我都忙於工作,以至於我常常沒有時間吃喝上帝的話語或正常的精神生活,甚至更少的時間去教堂或者正常的生活。履行我的職責,但我沒有想到這一點,並繼續為我的孩子們努力工作......直到最近,當我從上帝的團契中聽到這些話時:我所遭受的痛苦和疲憊似乎值得。因此,每當我醒來的時候,我都忙於工作,以至於我常常沒有時間吃喝上帝的話語或正常的精神生活,甚至更少的時間去教堂或者正常的生活。履行我的職責,但我沒有想到這一點,並繼續為我的孩子們努力工作......直到最近,當我從上帝的團契中聽到這些話時:People all hope that their children can be successful. Everyone hopes their children can go to a famous university, then take up advanced studies, earn a degree, and afterward stand out among others and gain a firm foothold in society. People all have this viewpoint and all want their children to pursue higher education because of the saying: ‘The worth of other pursuits is small, the study of books excels them all.’ Furthermore, competition in this modern society is especially intense. If they don’t have a university degree or have a firm foothold in society, making a living becomes a problem in the future. This is everybody’s thinking and point of view. … But did you think about, after they accept such education, how many toxins and how many of Satan’s ideas and theories will be instilled in them? … Until one day, your children return and you tell them about believing in God, and they show antipathy. After you tell them about the truth, they say you’re foolish and laugh at you, and scoff at what you say. At that time you will think: ‘Oh, sending my children to those schools to accept such education was the wrong path. I chose the wrong path, but it’s too late for regret.’ … no one is willing to bring them before God to completely accept the viewpoints and ideas that God requires, or to be the kind of person God requires. People are unwilling to do this and don’t dare to do this. They are deeply frightened that if they do so, their children won’t be able to make a living or have a future in society. What does this point of view represent? It represents and confirms that mankind has no interest, confidence and moreover no genuine faith in the truth and in God. What mankind’s heart looks up at is still this world, and in their hearts they still worship this world, thinking that people who leave this world won’t be able to survive. … these ideas and viewpoints are…, a betrayal and rejection of God, and incompatible with the truth“(在基督的會談記錄中,”知道自己需要知道你根深蒂固的思想和觀點“)。上帝的每一句話都深深打動了我。這麼多年的苦澀和艱苦,艱苦的工作,放棄一切讓我的孩子們上大學,為什麼?因為我相信撒旦的“其他追求的價值很小,所以對書籍的研究超越了所有人”是一種生存法則!在撒旦的毒藥的影響下,我把知識放在首位,並認為只有知識才能脫穎而出,成就事物,擁有未來,並在社會中獲得地位。我認為那些沒有受過教育的人是一個值得蔑視的下層階級,是最低的。所以,為了確保我的孩子能夠在這個世界上取得成功並“避免生活”,他們的面孔是土壤,背面是太陽,“我竭盡全力讓他們去學習並為他們提供更高的教育。這麼多年來,我把目標放在了我心中的任何其他事物上,同時我埋葬了上帝的話語,我的職責和我自己的在我的腦海裡拯救。撒旦的毒藥深深傷害了我!我付出這麼高的價格讓我的孩子上學的主要原因是我自己後悔因為我年輕時不夠學習,所以我把希望寄給了我的兒女,因為我希望他們完成我無法實現的夢想我。幾十年來,我一直生活和爭取一件事 - 知識 - 甚至沒有意識到它。即使我跟隨上帝多年,我也沒有得到真相,我的觀點根本沒有改變。我崇拜的仍然是知識,我渴望和依賴的是撒旦。我仍然是一個追求世俗潮流並抵抗上帝的不信者!
In God’s fellowship, I also came to understand that Satan uses study and learning to trick them into receiving its education and accepting its poison and thoughts into their minds, and once the poison is delivered, people are completely taken over by atheist thoughts and fallacies that deny and resist God, which is how Satan achieves its goals of corrupting and swallowing people. Because I couldn’t see through Satan’s deceit, I eagerly sent my children off to receive a satanic education, handing them to the evil without ever considering how to bring them before God or make them accept the truth that comes from God and make them live according to God’s requirements. Recently, my son graduated from a prestigious university, and when he returned home, even though he has gained much knowledge, he has also completely gone over to the path of death. When I mention anything about belief in God, he parades all kinds of scientific knowledge and theories to refute me, he calls me uneducated, ignorant, and undiscerning, he even warns me about being scammed and says I should believe in science rather than superstition…. Only when I came to regret it did I realize sending my children to receive higher education was a mistake. Reality finally made me understand that all worldly culture and knowledge is in opposition to God and contrary to truth. They are the tools Satan uses to corrupt and control people. The higher an education people receive, the more knowledge they grasp, the more of Satan’s poison is in them, the further they become from God, the more they become enemies of God, and the harder it is for them to receive God’s salvation. One could say that the more books a person reads and the more knowledge they have, the deeper their resistance to God. Knowledge is a very dangerous thing!